Communication: No Kidding

When Franicia and I were courting and then when we were newlyweds, we would kid around with each other from time to time. Personally, I figured that I was showing my love to Franicia when I would kid around like I showed my love to my brothers growing up. Something interesting would happen when we would joke with one another, though -- often, one of us would get our feelings hurt.

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Good Morning Song: Memories of Late Mother Anicia

Mom in Saipan used to sing this to us as little children at times. I miss her.

The past couple of months I've been greeting our children this way before we start our day and when I'm out of my room. If Tim and I are up early we'll greet our children together.

I still get my snuggles and kisses in bed when the early ones come to me in the morning, but this is something I can tell they really enjoy hearing every day even in the midst of challenging times.

Song Lyrics Added by Request

Good morning! Good morning! 
Good morning! How are you?
Good morning! Good morning!
I'm fine. Thank you!
(repeat twice)

Chattanooga Memorial Service for Fallen Service Members

Screenshots of WRCBtv's news video of Chattanooga Memorial Service with Mayor Andy Berke

Screenshots of WRCBtv's news video of Chattanooga Memorial Service with Mayor Andy Berke

If you would like to honor the military families of the fallen of the Chattanooga shooting on August 15, 2015 the Memorial Service is open to the public. The first 8,500 people will be able to go through screening and attend. 

The ceremony starts at 2 pm and the doors will be open earlier to give everyone enough time to be screened and also seated.

The above screenshots were taken from's video @wrcbtv in their article below.


Franicia Launches Facebook Author Page

Franicia Launches Facebook Author Page

It was recommended that I start an author page to help us with our book releases and events. If our writing, books, or life has been in any way helpful or an encouragement to you, please help us share this author page or consider...

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Honoring Our Veterans

Honoring Our Veterans

I wonder if a lot of older veterans love telling "sea stories" because while they serve they have to be pretty quiet about a lot of things for safety. We experience various things as a family and some things are pretty amazing, but only those we love, trust, and get to talk to in person get to hear some of it. That can make for interesting communication....

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