Celebrating Immanuel, God With Us
/And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21
Read MoreHealthy. Wholesome. Family. Life.
Our blog emphasizes healthy, wholesome, family-friendly, life-giving choices.
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21
Read MoreFourteen years ago Tim flew to my little island and proposed to me on the sands of Saipan.
Read MoreWhen Franicia and I were courting and then when we were newlyweds, we would kid around with each other from time to time. Personally, I figured that I was showing my love to Franicia when I would kid around like I showed my love to my brothers growing up. Something interesting would happen when we would joke with one another, though -- often, one of us would get our feelings hurt.
Read MoreI've always enjoyed buying designer clothing ever since I learned that many of them use high quality fabric and materials and in general last much longer than their inexpensive counterparts.
Read MoreAs we remember God's goodness, I hope that you'll be able to look back on your life and reflect on what God has done for you. Often, we're so busy that we don't do much reflecting and contemplation on our lives.
Read MoreIt has always been our goal to be open and honest with one another. As husband and wife, I think it’s most people’s dream to be married to your best friend. Best friends share everything — their goals, their dreams, their hurts, their pains….even their chocolate (thank you, Sweetie for sharing that Dove bar with me 13 years ago).
Read MoreCommunication is so important. But just communicating alone is not good enough. We need to communicate with love, wisdom, and discernment. We also need to communicate openly with our loved ones and give our expectations of what our loved ones will do to God.
Read MoreIn the first week of October, we were home after church service was over.
Shiloh came up to me and started singing Amazing Grace. She loves to "sing" various hymns and songs in her own childlike way, but this was one of the first times she was really singing that hymn.
Read MoreI smiled at Noah and Daniel and wondered what they were enjoying with friends.
Noah looked at me seriously and assuringly and said, "Mommy, this is not cow cheese. It's grilled cheese."
Mom in Saipan used to sing this to us as little children at times. I miss her.
The past couple of months I've been greeting our children this way before we start our day and when I'm out of my room. If Tim and I are up early we'll greet our children together.
I still get my snuggles and kisses in bed when the early ones come to me in the morning, but this is something I can tell they really enjoy hearing every day even in the midst of challenging times.
Good morning! Good morning!
Good morning! How are you?
Good morning! Good morning!
I'm fine. Thank you!
(repeat twice)
Screenshots of WRCBtv's news video of Chattanooga Memorial Service with Mayor Andy Berke
If you would like to honor the military families of the fallen of the Chattanooga shooting on August 15, 2015 the Memorial Service is open to the public. The first 8,500 people will be able to go through screening and attend.
The ceremony starts at 2 pm and the doors will be open earlier to give everyone enough time to be screened and also seated.
The above screenshots were taken from WRCBtv.com's video @wrcbtv in their article below.
We're super excited to announce the launch of Wholesome Press, our shiny, new publishing company. We're still fine-tuning our tag line and putting the store together, but we hope to have our two books, I Know You Love Me, Mommy and Daddy and The Blessings of Visiting Grandma and Grandpa, available in the store by the end of this month!
Read MoreSomeone forgot to tell the little boys to clean up their mess before they could eat their lunch today. That was me.
Read MoreIt was recommended that I start an author page to help us with our book releases and events. If our writing, books, or life has been in any way helpful or an encouragement to you, please help us share this author page or consider...
Read More22-month-old Shiloh found one of her sister's stuffed animals -- a kangaroo. She brought it with her to our family Bible time gathering and started calling it a rabbit.
Read MoreWe've been feeling pretty encouraged and blessed lately. Like everyone else, we have our fair share of trials. Recently, we've been dealing with financial issues where we weren't and still aren't being paid a vast sum of money -- in the thousands already.
Read MoreI wonder if a lot of older veterans love telling "sea stories" because while they serve they have to be pretty quiet about a lot of things for safety. We experience various things as a family and some things are pretty amazing, but only those we love, trust, and get to talk to in person get to hear some of it. That can make for interesting communication....
Read MoreI was blessed with a wonderful family growing up. My parents were faithful to teach my brothers and me how we should live according to God's Word. Being part of a faithful church was also a huge part of our lives.
Read MoreI love my other precious Mama! Days after Mom in Saipan died, the Lord had already provided tickets for eight of us to make it there. We thought...
Read MoreOur mission is to encourage people to love the Lord and please Him in all that they do. We also love delicious, wholesome food, and enjoy life together as a family. Here you'll find encouragement and tools to help you on your journey to a healthy, wholesome life with your family.
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