Shine On
/We rarely realize the life that we can speak into other people’s lives not only by the things that we say but also by our actions. The world that we live in can often be a dark, sad, lonely world, and love, light, and honor can be hard to come by. One thing that I’ve learned from Franicia, though, is how far-reaching the effects of the love that we show to people can go.
I don’t think Franicia has ever met a stranger. That’s really one of the things that I love about her. She loves people. She doesn’t love people because being nice makes her feel good -- she loves people genuinely because she wants to make them feel special and worthy.
Franicia buying flowers to give away
When we met each other 21 years ago, I had never met anyone like Franicia. Sure, she was pretty -- that always helps to build attraction -- but was so incredibly sweet. No one had ever treated me with the sweetness that she treated me with. 21 years later, she is still that same sweet, loving, beautiful woman, and I think that she’s even sweeter and more loving and even more beautiful than she was back when I first met her.
Franicia and me enjoying the simple things in life
Franicia, through the years, you’ve made so many people including me feel loved, valued, special, and honored. I try to make you feel at least a bit of the love that you express to others, but I’m not sure that I’ll ever reach your level. My prayer, though, is that you will know what you mean to me, our children, our family, and so many others. I pray also that the Lord will bless you (and me) with MANY more wonderful years serving and loving Him and loving our neighbors. You’re a bright ray of sunshine in my life and in the lives of so many. Shine on, Franicia. Be that ray of sunshine that God has made you to be. And don’t be afraid to shine brightly. The world is a better, brighter place because of you. You’re an inspiration to me to be a shining light for others.
Franicia loving on our youngest, Joseph
So many people are hurting right now. The COVID pandemic has been hard, but the pain that many of us are feeling is a result of so many things on top of the pandemic. Our country, the United States, is reeling from scars that run deep from years of hatred. Love heals, though. God’s love can heal us perfectly. We need physical healing from COVID (among other things), but we need real, deep, spiritual healing so much more.
Lord, please use us to be an agent for healing in our nation and, ultimately, in our society. We’re not able to heal, but you are. Our prayer is that You will heal us for your glory and for your Name’s sake -- not because we deserve it but because You are good and merciful.