Happy Thanksgiving
"O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people." -Psalm 105:1
"Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms." -Psalm 95:2
Friday Here and Thursday There
While everyone is still celebrating Thanksgiving in the U.S.mainland (aka "the states"), we here on Guam are reminiscing yesterday's special Thursday.
It was beautiful and tropical, sunny and full of life. We were blessed to have each other and most of all to have the blessings of our wonderful Creator. We loved spending those special moments together as a family and continuously seeing God's hand in our lives, even on that one day.
Our Plans or His Plans
We kept a lot of things a secret for what we would like to try to attempt to do on Thursday. With five young children (one being an infant) our plans can quickly change due to many circumstances. We're adaptable and flexible and it's all part of the fun.
It is because of those reasons that you'll often hear us say on a daily basis "Lord willing." We cannot make promises but will do our best. We'd like to play outside but it may rain. And rain it does on Guam especially at this time of the year!
So we told the children we wanted to try to take another family photo again using our tripod and digital camera. That didn't quite work out as you'll find out later. We also told them that we may go somewhere for lunch. We had made reservations a few days ago for a free complimentary meal at the USO.
We thought that it would be something special for the children especially since all of us are far away from our extended family members. We also wanted to be a blessing to those around us, especially the single service members. That plan didn't come into it's full completion either but we did make it --- sort of. :-) I'll explain more of that soon.
Do You Know God?
If the Lord brought you here, He did it for a reason. Is your life right with God? Do you continue in your sins? We're not asking if you're a good person or if you go to church. Are you truly converted? If not, please make time today (even right now) to visit NeedGod.com