17 Years - A Marriage Prayer

17 Years - A Marriage Prayer

17 years sounds like a long time. Tragically, the average length of marriages in the US is only 8.2 years according to census data. Woohoo! We have more than doubled the national average! (That’s actually sad to write — I wish that we were up to only ⅓ of the nation average. How wonderful would that be? May the Lord grant repentance and healing in our nation and society that marriages would be sacred and long-lasting!)

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Enjoy Special Moments

Enjoy Special Moments

Have you ever done something because other people expected you to do it rather than because you believed it was right or because it was something you wanted to do? Sometimes, we all do things because we think that it’s what others expect of us. That’s not always a bad thing, but, in some cases, it could be a bad thing. On our wedding day, doing what I thought people expected of me would’ve kept me from sharing a sweet memory with my precious bride, Franicia.

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Communication: No Kidding

When Franicia and I were courting and then when we were newlyweds, we would kid around with each other from time to time. Personally, I figured that I was showing my love to Franicia when I would kid around like I showed my love to my brothers growing up. Something interesting would happen when we would joke with one another, though -- often, one of us would get our feelings hurt.

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My Morning Date

My Morning Date

Yesterday was a nice relaxing morning after having come back from an exciting and busy trip to Arkansas last weekend. Tim was home on leave so we could prepare and attend this week's church family conference.

We had house guests to prepare for but most things were taken care of already. I was looking forward to talking to Tim about a lot of things on my list but mainly because I love talking to my best friend.

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Husbands and Dads, It's Your Responsibility

Husbands and Dads, It's Your Responsibility

Paul, in Ephesians 5:23 wrote, "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body." Unfortunately, most people associate the head with greater honor and assume that the wife will be trampled under the husband's feet if he is actually her head. Balancing Ephesians 5:23 with 1 Peter 3:7 really sheds some light on this subject, though. Peter wrote, "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered."

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