Designer Clothing for Pennies on the Dollar
/I've always enjoyed buying designer clothing ever since I learned that many brands of designer clothes use higher-quality fabric and materials and, in general, last much longer than their inexpensive counterparts.
It makes sense that high-quality clothing should cost a lot more than lower-quality clothing, but retail prices for designer clothes are too expensive for our family to afford especially with a large, growing family of seven children. Since we try to get the most value for our money, we buy used clothing whenever possible.
As much as possible, we shop at thrift stores, consignment sales, and wait for large clearance sales online during specific seasons. While we've been able to acquire great clothes for good prices this way, we still run into some challenges finding enough clothes for all of us. This is where used online clothing stores like ThredUp have been tremendously helpful.
This is one of our orders which also included some silk women's tops from ThredUp.
I've been so impressed with the sale prices, promotions, quality, and customer service of ThredUp that I've been wanting to write a blog post. In fact, I even signed up to be an affiliate since I was referring many people to their company.
2014 family photo by David & Jess Photography where most of the ladies wore clothing bought from ThredUp
Here is a list of some of the great reasons why we've bought clothes and shoes from ThredUp:
- They're honest in their description of the condition of their clothing. If it has a tiny flaw, they'll mention that.
- Their website is very easy to navigate, has a clean interface, and has various search options that save me a lot of time. As a busy mom, I really appreciate those things!
- By shopping carefully and also applying the free shipping code to one of my orders, I was able to buy many clothes in great condition which averaged to be $9 a piece!
- The price and quality of the used designer shoes we've bought have far surpassed any ones we've purchased locally.
- Their customer service is wonderful! Our family frequently shops at places where we're treated well and ThredUp is one of them. I've communicated with various people there over various shipping issues and other questions, and I've always had not only a prompt reply but also a very friendly and respectful one! Once when we thought we had a late shipping issue and wanted to know the status of our order, they gladly gave us a generous amount in store credit as a way to apologize for the delay. When we later found out that we somehow missed their confirmation email before shipping and realized that it was our mistake, we wrote to them to apologize. We told them it was our fault that there was a delay and that they should take back the store credit. They responded again and told us it was fine and that they were happy to give it to us. I was amazed!
- They host various promotions and contests on social media which make it a fun way to earn store credit. By posting a photo for a specific theme on Instagram, I was able to win a decent amount towards purchasing some clothes my older daughters needed. These are some great ways to save even more money!
- When you purchase clothing, you have an option of sharing a special affiliate link that not only gives others free store credit for them when they sign up but also for you. This is a great way to save more money on clothes or even redeem clothing that you could possibly sell elsewhere to make a little money. One of the best parts is that your link is automatically and easily generated for you. They also have email and social media sharing options.
- We've been able to find many of our clothes for fancier occasions such as weddings, photo shoots, and more. Some of these occasions were even filmed, and having something nice to wear that didn't break the bank was very helpful!
So if you enjoy shopping for high-quality clothing and love saving money, consider shopping at ThredUp. You don't need to stop at clothes either -- feel free to look at their designer handbags and shoes sections for your next event!

Have you ever shopped at places like ThredUp? What was your experience like and did you get a great deal? Share below in the comments or through the social links below!