Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!
/Happy Birthday Tim!
If you know Tim well, you know how much he enjoys exercising and healthy living. When I wrote to one of his co-workers this morning about it being his birthday and that a greeting may be a fun break in their work day, I had no idea how much of a surprise they wanted to give him. From the multiple balloons, birthday cakes for them and our family from Whole Foods, coffee for the staff, singing, and a planks exercise they normally do in the mornings --- they did an amazing job! The videos and pictures they took and shared with us are so special as well as the assurance that they love doing it for him since they celebrate all of the staff members.
Happy Birthday, Love! You’re such a joy and light to everyone you know and love! I’m so grateful for the man that you are --- tender, loving, God-fearing, generous, compassionate, strong, and sweet. Thank you for being faithful to teach our children from His Word! Thank you for singing hymns and praises to God with such delight and even alongside us when someone randomly sings. Thank you for always working on improving yourself --- not settling for less --- whether it’s physically, spiritually, or even in our relationships. Thank you for teaching us the traits of empathy and kindness.
May the Lord continue to bless you and use you mightily for His glory. We’re so thankful God spared you yet again this year when you were hospitalized and even clearing all your blood clots in your lungs and legs! I love you more than words can express and communicate! Mwa!