Promotions and Interesting Challenges
/Our donors have been able to receive all of these updates immediately. We decided to share some of these posts on our website as well. This update was published on our Kickstarter campaign yesterday.
Hello everyone!
We thank all of our donors for believing in our project as well as many family members and friends who have shared our Kickstarter campaign!
New Reward Tiers
This morning we got some great advice for adding a couple of extra reward tiers for the lower levels! For $5, we will be able to award an ebook of The Blessings of Visiting Grandma and Grandpa. It is the first children's book mentioned in the video that has been released on Amazon for the Kindle. This ebook version is one that can be printed at home for personal use.
Because we have added that other children's book, we are now able to offer both ebooks as a bundle as well! For $15 a donor will be able to receive both copies under the specific format mentioned previously in it's respective reward tier.
If any of you have advice on incentives and reward tiers that we could add that would be of great interest, please feel free to send us an email at our Contact Form on our website or call. :-)
Our friends at Faith Farm have so graciously given us 5 of their organic raw goat's milk soaps as part of our Kickstarter promotional giveaway for our website! We wanted to be able to bless those who have already helped us spread the word via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email, etc. We hope this giveaway will also encourage others to keep helping us spread the word!
We are finalizing the details of the Rafflecopter giveaway on our website. When that is published, we will post a link and update here as well.

Faith Farm organic goat's milk soaps. Photography by Tim & Franicia.
Along with the soaps, we are giving away a few copies of two Living Waters books that have been a blessing to us, as well as a few hardcover books of I Know You Love Me Mommy and Daddy (if this Kickstarter gets funded), and ebooks of the same book.
A friend of ours has also been running a Rafflecopter giveaway for a copy of the hardcover book as well as the ebook. You can find that here.
Family Challenges
A good friend of ours encouraged us to mention the few challenges we have been faced so that others would have an idea of what we have been going through.
Though we have contacted some media outlets, various Christian blog owners for promotions (accepted by one above), some family members and friends, we have not been able to do as much as we had hoped to accomplish during this campaign.
During the past few weeks we had car trouble with our only vehicle and had it in the repair shop at two different times during this period. It has over 426,000 miles on it and was leaking a lot of oil. Because we were carless, this made planning for food and other things a lot different and took up some of my time on top of homeschooling our six young children.
I, Franicia, have also been trying to heal and get rid of my gallstone naturally. When I am consistent to take certain herbs, I don't feel the very slight uncomfortableness I was feeling anymore.
To make matters more interesting, I also developed my first prolonged canker sore probably due to everything that was happening. Then last week our washing machine stopped working halfway through it's cycle. The repair man said the fuse on the circuit board was soldered in and was not an easy or guaranteed repair. So we have been washing clothes by hand and a sweet couple at church has blessed us by wanting to wash some loads for us a couple of times. We hope to have a washer (mechanical one and one for a great deal), Lord willing sometime soon.
Then a couple of days ago we had a little scare when Tim was concerned about his hearing on one of his ears. It was highly sensitive to sounds and vibrations --- even the sweet sounds of our children in the morning were hurting his ear.
For those of you who don't know, Tim is a pilot and flight instructor along with serving as a Department Head.
Tim was seen by two clinics that day and had a hearing test done. Everything looks good overall and there is slight inflammation. His hearing started to get better that evening. Tim felt slightly uncomfortable in the cockpit yesterday but felt much better than the day before.
On Wednesday, the evening of Tim's ear testing, I had a painful migraine. It was probably the second one I've ever had in my life. After resting, it was gone in the morning but I've had slight nausea ever since. I didn't think I was pregnant but wanted to check anyway. The tests are negative. I believe it may have to deal with exhaustion from these past few weeks even if I feel pretty good. :-)
In God's Hands
Despite the small numbers and short time frame of this campaign, we are not giving up. We also know that God is in control and are at peace for whatever outcome He desires.
This does not mean that we sit back and do nothing more, but that we will continue with our efforts, sending out a large final email to those we know and pray that more people will find out (and hopefully financially support) this endeavor.
Thank you so much!
For God's glory,
Franicia for the White family